May 31, 2009

So, Do You Have Exciting Plans for the Summer?


Just a few more days...

one day of instruction, 
3 half-days of testing, 
and 2 staff days, 
and then THAT'S IT.  

Okay, it's not.  I'm going to attend 3 half-day IB training and planning sessions next week.  But then...NO MORE! I hope.

So what shall I do this summer?  Let me start a list:
  • Sleep
  • Detox
  • Detox my house, too.
  • Get healthier. 
  • Take a weekend trip with my sweetie.  Somewhere.  Don't know where.
  • Read. Both nourishing and junk reads.
  • Go to movies. 
  • Go to a family reunion in Idaho.
  • Visit family and friends.
Ah, man...I probably need to do some planning for next year. Three months, off.  Yea, right.  It's more like two months off, and work will have to seep in for a few weeks.
  • Plan for mini Taming of the Shrew unit for the annual Shakespeare in the Schools event. Last year's play, Romeo and Juliet, was much easier.  I can do that in my sleep.  I may have, too, come to think of it.
  • Make sure my units are following IB format, as we have our our reauthorization this year.  I think I'm in pretty good shape with the content, but I need to work on the format.  I also need to make the Learner Profile more explicit. Tweaking is what I need to do.
  • Journalism and yearbook stuff... Every year I just think I should be more organized and do more.  Rather, the staff members need to do more...
  • Oh yeah...I want to do an online newspaper next year.  Not the print kind that we make into a PDF and post online.  No, I mean a paper produced entirely online, articles posted a few times a week.  That is going to take some crazy organization, but I think it's going to be better than what we have and how often it comes out and how many people read it.  I need to figure out how I'm going to do that.  The broadcasting teacher is excited about this idea, so we'll probably collaborate.
Is there more to add?  I'll think on it this week.  Several of my colleagues and I have talked about how tired, yet reflective, we are at this point in the year.

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