September 12, 2007

Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump

The other 8th grade English teachers are across the hall from me. Sometimes when I'm bored from doing hall duty between classes or if I have important business, I'll cross the packed hallway (probably about 30 feet long) to chat with the other teachers.

For some reason, this year every time I do it, I think of myself as Frogger. And I cannot get that thought out of my head. Sound effects and everything. And now that I've found numerous online versions, I fear I might feel compelled to practice.

(I wasn't even one of those kids who played a lot of video games, so this brain activity is extra weird.)

I confessed this Frogger thought of crossing the hallway to my new, fresh-out-of-college colleague, but then I realized that she probably didn't know what I was talking about. She assured me that she did, as she'd seen the Seinfeld episode. That made her cool, but it didn't make me younger or less insane.

I'm not totally cracking up yet, but if I start zipping around my classroom like Pac-Man...well, you're going to need to call someone to take me away.

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