I thought I might give National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) a try this November, and after visiting the hosting site, it seems that November isn't the only month anymore and that people can pretty much participate any month, just as long as they commit to posting each day in a month.
Ah, well. I'm going to go ahead with November. I don't participate for the glory or to win prizes. Mostly I do it to kick myself in the rear and give myself a bit of a writing challenge. I tried it for the first time in 2007, and successfully completed the challenge. I also tried it last year, which was pretty foolhardy considering I was still working on my master's degree. I ended up posting a mere 22 times last year, but it was nice making the time to write.
Making time to write. Yes, that is what I long to do.
A few days ago my colleague, Mrs. E. and I held our first meeting for the e-zine we are starting up. I thought it would be a good idea to begin the meeting by writing to the following prompt: Why do you write?
Here's what I wrote:
When I write, it give me time to get my thoughts together. Sometimes it's a time for me to process the thoughts that go through my head, to solidify what I think, feel, and believe. Unfortunately, I don't find a lot of time to write as life is hectic andNo joke. Ironically, while I was trying to write this reflection down, two students and another teacher tracked to down in Mrs. E.'s classroom to ask me something. When the third student showed up, I had to go down to my classroom so I could give her a test that her coach was going to let her do during their study hall. Mrs. E. and I had a good chuckle over what I wrote, but I'm not sure the e-zine writers truly understood because they don't see how many gazillion times a day I'm interrupted from one train of thought to follow one that is more pressing. It's madness some days.
I'm looking forward to some time to reflect and write. I've had a lot of ideas lately, but rarely have I taken the time to sit and write. For the next month I'm looking forward to getting my thoughts straight--it feels like I might become more centered--and perhaps even develop some better blogging habits.
...life is hectic and...PreCISEly the way I often feel. Principal Man gave us a 3-day weekend, though, so I've had a little time to re-group. Back to the salt mines tomorrow, though. Gotta do my 1st-quarter grades! I'm doing NaBloPoMo, too. We can support each other, agreed?
I knows the feeling Happy... I can't wait to see your wandering wonderings...
Thanks for the encouragement, guys!
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